A mighty host makes their appearance!
Welcome back everyone and thank you for joining us for this week's blog post. We're fresh back from AdeptiCon and had a fantastic time, so thanks to all of you who joined us there.
On the site today, we've finally been able to add a bunch of items and armies that you may have seen in our newsletter and posts over the past few weeks. Starting up with this hulk of machinery, the mighty Warhound Scout Titan!
This colourful war engine is ready to stride the battlefields of your local gaming tables once again!

Joining the Warhound, we also have this incredible White Scars Thunderhawk Gunship. The previous owner has done a top-notch job with this one and now you can add this to your own collection on our store right now! Just make sure you have plenty of flight stands!

On the armies side of things, we've release nine new ones into the wild today including the Imperial Knight and Slaanesh ones spoken about on a previous week. With Knight queued up to be one of the next releases, now's the best time to get ahead of the game and get some practise in.
I'm also a massive fan of the "Ladz on Tour," a small Ork army led by the big Ork himself. This force would be perfect for getting to grips with Orks and learning the basics. Then it just needs a few more boyz!

Finally, we have an army so big we had to split it into five!
If you've ever considered starting a Dark Angel army, look no further! Every model here is ready to fight in the name of the Lion, and is lead by a host of mighty heroes!

Phew! Well, that's all for this week. Pop back again soon where we'll be back with many more goings on in the world of Troll Trader! Until then!
-The Troll Trader Team-