Birthday Week, Sales & Heresy!
Hey Trolls,
Welcome to another weekly blog for your reading pleasure. We have plenty of new items to talk about that have come through the warehouse over the past few days. But first and foremost, we at Troll Trader would like to say a big thank you to all of our customers around the world that continue to support us year in and year out. Without all of you we wouldn't have been able to open the store in the first place, let alone celebrate its second year birthday!
We hope you've managed to pick up a host of sales throughout this week, don't forget that the sale will continue throughout the weekend so there's still plenty of time to grab yourself a birthday deal! We have Sprue, Clearance, BNIB and Titans on sale right now.
Let's have a look at some of the newest items that have come through the warehouse this week:
The Talons of Horus

First up we have a beautifully painted Sons of Horus army. If you're looking to take up the mantle of Warmaster for the new edition of Horus Heresy, you'll not find a better place to start! The army has been painted with edge highlighting , insignia and decals and comes with an assortment of various units, ranging from Justaerin Terminators, Reivers, Contemptors, Tanks, Characters and led by none other than Horus himself.
The Fist of Dorn

Following up from the Sons of Horus, we have some loyalists to drive them back from the Walls of Terra. This small Imperial Fists tank company stands resolute and is absolutely exquisite. Taking a slightly different approach from the clean and pristine Sons of Horus, these tanks have been weathered with battle damage and chipping across the armour. This really makes the insignia and light detailing pop even more from the more gritty yellow armour. These would be a great addition to an existing Imperial Fist Heresy era army.
The Myrkyr Varden

Finishing up today's blog are an awesome winter themed Space Wolf army. These are designed to appear more feral and wolven. Snow weathering has been used here to really add some contrast to the darker blue/grey armour style. There have been some conversions on various models throughout to add some character in the army. This would be a great starting point for any budding Space Wolf players.
That wraps up the blog post for today, thanks once again for making this week so special for us! See ya next time Trolls.