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Wrath of the Khan

Regular price £1,500.00

Item is supplied in the condition shown in the photographs.

This Army Includes:

- 1x Primaris Captain

- 1x Primaris Lieutenant

- 1x Primaris Librarian (Converted from Tigurius)

- 1x Primaris Librarian

- 1x Primaris Chaplain on Bike

- 1x Bladeguard Ancient

- 1x Primaris Apothecary 

- 1x Primaris Chaplain

- 1x Primaris Techmarine

- 10x Infiltrators 

- 5x Incursors 

- 20x Assault Intercessors

- 10x Intercessors 

- 10x Vanguard Veterans 

- 6x Bladeguard Veterans

- 6x Eradicators 

- 3x Eliminators

- 3x Suppressors 

- 6x Outriders

- 6x Inceptors 

- 2x Invader ATV

- 1x Invictor Tactical Warsuit 

- 1x Redemptor Dreadnought

- 1x Repulsor


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