A Paintjob fit for the Emperor!
Hey everyone, welcome back to our weekly Troll Trader blog! And what a blog we have for you this week. We've had a host of incredibly well painted models come into the warehouse: models such as Tribune Ixion Hale- a Warhammer World Exclusive, the Warlord Titan that Jay finished for us on the Troll Trader Stream as well as a recently completed Kragnos. We've also had a wave of OOP BNIB items ranging from Inquisitor, three Warhammer Quest sets in the nicest condition we've ever seen and a box of The Birdmen of Catrazza from the Dogs of War range.

To start things off we'll take a look at Tribune Ixion Hale. This model is gorgeously detailed and is currently only available as a Warhammer World Exclusive. This particular model has been painted to a studio standard and could possibly be the nicest model we've ever had come through our store. Honestly where do you start when talking about this paintjob! The NMM on the gold is sublime, the NMM on the axe with the lightning effect pops and we love the additional touch with the glow on the marble base.

Next up is the Warlord Titan which you will have seen previously. Well Jay has finished touching it up and will be on sale from next week! We love the battle damage areas on the pouldron and the insignia Jay put on. We'll be sad to see this behemoth go but go it must!

Perhaps our most treasured selection in this week's blog! These three boxes are all complete: cards sealed, models on sprue and with their supplements. These made the boss feel old that's for sure! However if you're a collector of Warhammer Quest , I can guarantee you that you will be hard pressed to find these in better condition. Expect these to go on sale next week too!
This blog could go on and on showing off the stock for this week but we'd like to leave you with a few surprises. So with that being said, head over to our store throughout next week to purchase these incredible items and more!
Cheers Trolls.