Armies and Models Galore!
Welcome back to another weeks round-up here at Troll Trader HQ!
Our team has once again been busy adding sorting, breaking down, photographing and listing thousands of new models to be added to the store. For those of you who tuned in last week, we've also finished unboxing the massive collection you'll have seen in that post. In fact, it took five of us, most of the day to do so!
Lets hop into some of it shall we?
Starting out with the bigger items we've got this amazing Seraptek Heavy Construct ready to roll straight onto a battlefield near you. I love the blue and orange contrast, and it works great on a model that wasn't exactly looking to be stealthy anyway.
In contrast to that, we've also opened these suitably disgusting Traitor Guard vehicles. Blessed by Nurgle himself, these pus-covered behemoths look to be ready to infect anything and everything they come across. Even the skies aren't safe, with the Valkyrie flying overhead and dropping its contents out the gaping maw that used to be its Grav Shute.
As a result of the giant collection, we've had quite a few armies made and are awaiting their turn to be photographed.
All these forces and more will be hitting our store over the next couple of weeks. So make sure to keep an eye out if one takes your fancy.
That's all for this week. So pop back next time and see what models we have in store for you then!
The Troll Trader Team